Pursuant to the terms of Act 15/1999 of 13th December, governing the Protection of Personal Data, of Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), PREMIUM INCOMING, owned by PEGATUR, S.A, hereby informs you that:
- Pursuant to Art. 5 of the aforementioned Act 15/1999, we inform you that the data recorded in the forms will be stored in an automated database, owned by PEGATUR S.A., who guarantees the security measures established by the law.
- The following information is collected in the registration and contact forms: Name, Surname, Company, Position, Email address, Phone number, Address and Country.
- The purpose of the form is:
1. To make reservations and to purchase the selected services.
2. To allow the company to contact users who have made queries, related to budget requests or others.
3. To send commercial mail with offers connected to the company products and/or services.
- When the information is obtained through forms, and not from other sources such as email, users will be required to fill in, at least, the fields marked with a star. Otherwise PEGATUR S.A. will not be able to accept nor manage the commercial relationship.
- PEGATUR S.A. is responsible for the database and undertakes not to use these data for any purposes other than the ones for which they were gathered, nor to disclose them unlawfully to third parties.
- PEGATUR S.A. will disclose the data provided through registration and contact forms to third parties collaborating with the company only when communication with these third parties is essential in order to provide the services.
- PEGATUR S.A. also undertakes to process your personal data confidentially and to guarantee the necessary technical, organisational and security measures in order to avoid their being accessed or handled without authorisation, as established by current regulations on data protection.
- PEGATUR S.A. has taken all the necessary technical and organisational measures, as required by law, in its information system so as to guarantee that the data there stored are kept safe and confidential, thus avoiding, as much as possible, their being altered, lost, accessed or handled without permission.
- Users will be held liable, in any case, for the veracity o the data provided. PEGATUR S.A. reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any user who might have provided false or wrong information, without prejudice to the relevant legal actions.
- The information provided through our website will be stored for a maximum of 5 years, or for the period established by law to fulfil legal requirements.
- PEGATUR S.A. reserves the right to modify this Policy so as to adapt it to legal developments, law criteria, business practices or company interests. Any policy alterations will be announced in due time, to keep customers informed of the updates in contents.
- Some of the services provided in the website may contain specific terms and conditions regarding Personal Data Protection. You can find detailed information about these clauses in the different sections of the website.
- You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and deletion of the data at, as well as the right to summit complaints to the relevant control authority.
Corporate Name: PEGATUR SA.
Registered office: C/ San Sotero, 11 1º izq.- 28037 Madrid
CIF / NIF: A80797590
Phone: 0034 915 487 465
Fax: 00 34 915 424 672
Registered at the Commercial Register of Madrid, Volume: 29148, Folio: 152, Section: 8, Page: M-524806 Inscription: 2
Domain name:
The provider, responsible for the website, issues the following document so as to observe the obligations established in Act 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as to inform users of the terms and conditions of use of the website.
Persons accessing this website accept the role of user and undertake to observe and comply with the terms hereby established, as well as with any other applicable statutory provisions.
The provider reserves the right to modify any information in the website, without being bound to give prior notice or to notify the users about these obligations. In this regard, the user’s publication of information on the website shall be considered sufficient.
The provider will not be held responsible for any information on the website which may have been posted or manipulated by third parties unrelated to the former.
The client’s website may be redirected to contents of third websites. Considering that the provider cannot always control the contents posted by third parties on their own websites, the former will not assume any responsibility regarding those contents. In any case, the provider guarantees that any contents contravening national or international legislation, moral standards or public order, shall be immediately deleted. In addition, redirection to those websites will be cancelled and the contents will be reported to the competent authorities.
The provider will not accept responsibility for the information and the contents stored, included but not limited to, in chats, forums, blog generators, comments, social media or any other media with allows third parties to publish contents independently in the provider’s webpage. However, and pursuant to articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider will be made itself available to all the users, authorities and security agencies, and will take an active role in removing or blocking all the contents which may affect or contravene national and international regulations, third party rights, moral standards or public order. We ask users to report the presence of such contents to the administrator of the website immediately.
This website has been reviewed and tested for correct operation. In principle, the site is guaranteed to run 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provider cannot rule out the possibility of programming errors, or force majeure incidents, such as natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances which could make access to the website impossible.
The provider is strongly committed to fulfil Spanish regulations regarding personal data protection and guarantees full compliance with legal obligations, as well as with the implementation of the security measures put forward in article 9 of ACT 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and in the Regulation for the Development of LOPD
The provider will make the company’s Privacy Policy available to the users, including information about the following subjects:
- Information about the company responsible for data handling: PEGATUR S.A
- Processed data: User data: Name, Surname, Company, Position, Email, Phone Number, Address and country
- Database for information storage: CLIENTS
Goal of data handling:
1º To make reservations and purchase the selected services.
2º. To put the company in contact with the users who make queries, either budget requests or others.
3º. To provide and sustain commercial and or advertising relationships related to the services and products provided by the company
- Obligation to provide data, and information about the consequences of not doing so: users are required to fill in, at least, the fields marked with a star. Otherwise, PEGATUR S.A. will not be able to accept, maintain or handle any commercial relationship.
- Regarding user’s rights and procedures to exercise them: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and deletion of the data at, as well as the right to summit complaints to the relevant control authority.
The website, including but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation and the rest of the elements required for its operation, as well as the designs, logos, text and/or graphics belong to the provider or have been authorised for publication and use by their rightful owners. All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the relevant public registers.
Regardless of their original purpose, partial or total reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution, and commercialisation of these contents require, in any case, previous written consent of the provider. Any unauthorised use will be considered a severe breach of the rights of industrial or intellectual property of the author.
The designs, logotypes, text and/or graphics published on the website and not belonging to the provider are property of their respective owners, who will be held responsible for any controversy arising from their use. In any case, the provider has previously and explicitly been authorised by the owners to use them.
The provider acknowledges the relevant intellectual and industrial rights of the owners. The sole mention or showing of these contents on the website does not entail any right or responsibility of the provider over them, neither its supporting, sponsoring or recommending such contents.
You can exercise your rights to make comments regarding any possible breach of the rights of intellectual or industrial property, as well as of any other contents of the website at the following email address
As regards the resolution of any disagreement or dispute related to the website or the activities therein developed, all the involved parties shall comply with Spanish regulations and explicitly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid.